Friday 4 March 2011

My Trip Down the Pink Carpet


Leslie Jordan in his one man show. what a great little man he is. He sauntered, he strutted, he swung those hips. His lifestory had me captive for the whole 90 minutes. He was brash and crude. He was saucy and rude. With his strong Tennesse accent and exaggerated facial expressions- I adore him!
It was actually quite an emotional show. I wasnt expecting it to be so heartfelt and so patriotic. As a gay man trying to express himself in Hollywood it was a real struggle for Leslie, back then it wasn't so easy to discuss sexuality. I hadnt really thought about this- about how hard it must have been. At the end of the show it was a real salute to gay men everywhere and I could feel the pride in the room.
Every so often Leslie would break into dance. He is a very short man (4ft 11) and just the sight of him jumping around like a jumping bean had me in fits of laughter. He is so hyper and yappy, like a jitterbig or a child after too much sugar. The gay anthems just made him dance- and he was quite the mover!
(I found the photo above online- opposed to taking it myself)

"The woman from my church had this baby and it looked like a pig. with its little frilly socks, you just didnt know what to say!"
"When I came down the stairs on christmas morning and saw that doll I just squatted on the floor and peed .I was so happy!"

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