Saturday 23 June 2012

Reign of the Veg

So, to make an update!

I have just finished my final major project at university and will graduate next month! This final year at LCC studying Animation has gone too quick. I hadn’t wanted to do a BA 3rd year previously as I thought an FDA2 was enough, I’m so glad I did do this 3rd year though, I have developed so much more. I now feel a style of my own has emerged and I’m excited to write and create more.

My final film is called ‘Reign of the Veg’. It is about mutated vegetables that come alive and wreak havoc, seeking revenge for the way humans have treated them.
Their attacks seem unprovoked and in many ways they are. I like storylines that are quite outrageous where things ‘making sense’ has little significance.
Making the costumes was the fun part for me and I was lucky to share a shed with my boyfriend, giving me plenty of studio space to be creative and messy.
There was a lot of pva-ing and newspaper involved with creating my costumes and naturally things got messy. 
Luckily I had the space for this to happen. On sunny days I worked in the garden (below)

Above (at the top of this post)  is the poster I made for the film. 
I will be displaying this at our upcoming exhibition in university!

I will be updating photos, sketches and film stills on here- 
now the film is complete I have lots to finally catch up on

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