Wednesday 7 May 2014

Toulouse in his tunnel

 So, I have been very busy (which is always exciting) and have been spending alot of time at gym classes and rehearsals at The Royal Opera House. Ive also been to see lots of theatre which has been completely inspiring and a life of such luxury I could really get used to! Because I like reviewing/recapping my experiences, I will write another post about the shows Ive seen including the 2 Operas that have become such a new part of my life. With the two bank holidays came an outing to Greenwich with delicious food from the market and strolls around the park, and a dinner party (below) at Jack's with a candlelit table and cluster of friends bearing home-cooked goodies
With the impending summer and glorious sunshine all are feeling the happiness, including my cat Toulouse who has got his cool hang-out ready in this pink tunnel. This snazzy new tunnel is where Toulouse can be found most days where he will be peacefully snoozing and dreaming of prawns (his favourite dish).

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